Friday, April 5, 2013

Astrologica update

Allen Ashley, editor of forthcoming anthology Astrologica, reports:

"Far away from prying eyes, the picking and choosing for this anthology is going ahead at quite a pace. My expectation is that I will get a late flurry to add to the high quality submissions that I’ve already received and this will make the final decisions very difficult indeed.

Several people have emailed me to ask which signs I’m still looking for. I don’t require any more Leo and I have two really strong contenders for Pisces, so don’t require any more for that sign. Aries, Libra, Virgo and Aquarius are probably gone as well. Gemini is on a second reading. I still have stories to read relating to the other signs not named above, so who knows what fabulous delights are waiting in my Inbox? But, as things stand, I have yet to pick for Sagittarius, Cancer, Capricorn, Taurus, Scorpio. I know some of you have sent me stories for those signs: I am in the process of reading them.

I hope that the above is helpful and will post an update when I am ready to make a few more firm acceptances."

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